Things Matt Likes
The core fabric of the newsletter - Things Matt is doing, thinking about, or trying to deal with!
The newsletter will contain good pictures that were taken by, considered funny by, or feature Matt.
The Advice Column
Got a problem? Matt can help! Send your problems to, and he will provide guidance and advice in the next issue.
Please note, if it is a medical emergency, immediately call 911. Matt will not respond in time and you will probably die.
Each issue will contain hand-selected chess games for your viewing pleasure.
These games will be ones Matt played, or top-level grandmaster games that Matt thought were cool. Games will have an accompanying annotations that will let people of all skill levels follow the action!
Media Reviews
Matt will rank and review media he consumes, on a scale of 0-24. The units of this scale are TBD, but in the interim it will be "Matts" (e.g. seventeen matts out of twenty four possible matts).
Guest Contributors
The newsletter will feature articles from top Journalists that are not Matt, speaking to their expertise. Be on the look out for these.
If you are a top Journalist, please reach out to discuss contributions. You can also reach out if you are not a top Journalist, or if you're not a journalist at all.
And More!
There's gonna be so much good stuff in this newsletter, it's gonna be kinda crazy how much good stuff there is.
Recipies, hot-takes, gossip, rumors, tech reviews! We would list out all of the ideas we have, but the idea list we have is literally 439 pages long! Too big for an email!